Arbeitsbescheinigung Englisch





Arbeitsbescheinigung Englisch
Meinungen: 4.64 ⭐⭐⭐⭐ – 3488
Autor : Anselm Königsmann
Prüfer: Mareike Falkenberg
Seitenaufrufe: 2799


To Whom It May Concern,

This letter is to confirm that [Employee’s Name] has been employed at [Company Name] since [Date of Hire]. [Employee’s Name] currently holds the position of [Job Title].

During [Employee’s Name]’s time at [Company Name], their primary responsibilities included [Brief Description of Job Duties]. They have consistently demonstrated [List of Positive Qualities/Attributes] and have been a valuable asset to our team.

[Employee’s Name] has a salary of [Salary Amount] per [Hour/Week/Month/Year]. They work [Number of Hours] per [Week/Month/Year] and are eligible for [List of Benefits, if applicable].

As of [Date of Letter], [Employee’s Name] is still employed at [Company Name] and remains in good standing. If you have any further questions or require additional information, please feel free to contact me at [Phone Number] or [Email Address].

Thank you for considering this verification of employment for [Employee’s Name].


[Your Name]
[Your Title]
[Company Name]
[Contact Information]



1. What information should be included in an employment certificate in English?

Typically, an employment certificate in English should include your full name, job title, dates of employment, a brief description of your job responsibilities, and the reason for leaving (if applicable). It should also include the company’s name, address, and contact information. Additionally, it may include any special achievements or commendations you received during your time with the company.

2. Is it necessary to provide a detailed description of job responsibilities in the employment certificate?

While it is not always necessary to provide a detailed description of job responsibilities in the employment certificate, it can be helpful for potential employers to understand the scope of your previous role. Including a brief summary of your key responsibilities can give them a better sense of your experience and skills.

3. How do I request an employment certificate in English from my employer?

To request an employment certificate in English from your employer, you can simply approach your HR department or supervisor and express your need for the document. You may need to fill out a form or provide specific information to ensure the certificate is accurate. It is important to make the request in a professional and polite manner to ensure a smooth process.

4. Can I request an employment certificate in English if I only speak German?

If you only speak German, you can still request an employment certificate in English from your employer. You may need to seek assistance from a colleague who is proficient in English or use online translation tools to help communicate your request. It is important to ensure the accuracy of the translated document before presenting it to potential employers.

5. How should the employment certificate be formatted and presented to potential employers?

The employment certificate should be formatted professionally, with clear and concise information presented in a structured manner. It should be printed on company letterhead, signed by an authorized representative of the company, and dated. When presenting the certificate to potential employers, you can include it as part of your job application package or provide it upon request during the interview process.

6. Is there a specific template or form that should be used for an employment certificate in English?

While there is no universally mandated template or form for an employment certificate in English, it is recommended to include certain key information such as the employee’s name, job title, dates of employment, and a brief description of duties. Employers may have their own template or form that they use for such certificates, so it is best to check with your HR department or supervisor for guidance on how to proceed.

7. What should I do if my employer refuses to provide me with an employment certificate in English?

If your employer refuses to provide you with an employment certificate in English, you may want to first try to communicate the importance of having one for your future job prospects or visa applications. If they still refuse, you may consider seeking legal advice or contacting a relevant labor authority for assistance. It is important to have documentation of your employment for future reference, so it is worth pursuing this issue further if necessary.

8. Can I request an updated employment certificate in English if my job responsibilities have changed?

Yes, if your job responsibilities have changed significantly since your last employment certificate was issued, it is recommended to request an updated version that accurately reflects your current duties and responsibilities. This can be important when applying for new jobs or visas, as potential employers will want to have a clear understanding of your work experience.

9. How long does it typically take for an employer to provide an employment certificate in English?

The timeline for receiving an employment certificate in English can vary depending on the employer and their internal processes. It is best to make your request as early as possible to allow for any necessary review or approvals. In general, it is reasonable to expect to receive the certificate within a few weeks of making the request, but this can vary depending on the specific circumstances.

10. Should I have my employment certificate translated into other languages for international job applications?

It can be helpful to have your employment certificate translated into other languages if you are applying for international job opportunities where English may not be the primary language. This can make it easier for potential employers to understand your work experience and qualifications. It is also a sign of professionalism and can demonstrate your commitment to making the application process as smooth as possible for the employer. Consider translating your certificate into the languages of the countries you are targeting for job applications.

Wie schreibt man eine Arbeitsbescheinigung Englisch

Schritt 1: Informationen des Mitarbeiters sammeln

  • Ziel des Schrittes: Erfassen aller relevanten Informationen über den Mitarbeiter.
  • Spezifische Details: Name des Mitarbeiters, Beschäftigungszeitraum, Position, Gehalt, Arbeitsstunden, etc.
  • Beispiele: John Doe, employed from January 2018 to March 2020 as a Marketing Manager, with a salary of $60,000 per year.
  • Redaktionelle Tipps: Stellen Sie sicher, dass alle Angaben korrekt und vollständig sind.

Before writing the letter, gather all necessary information about the employee, including their name, employment dates, job title, salary, and any other relevant details.

Schritt 2: Firmeninformationen hinzufügen

  • Ziel des Schrittes: Einbindung der Unternehmensdaten in die Arbeitsbescheinigung.
  • Spezifische Details: Firmenname, Adresse, Kontaktdaten, etc.
  • Beispiele: XYZ Company, 123 Main Street, Anytown, USA, [email protected]
  • Redaktionelle Tipps: Verwenden Sie eine professionelle und konsistente Formatierung für die Firmeninformationen.

Include your company’s name, address, and contact information in the letter to provide credibility and context.

Schritt 3: Beschreibung der Tätigkeiten des Mitarbeiters

  • Ziel des Schrittes: Darstellung der Aufgaben und Verantwortlichkeiten des Mitarbeiters während seiner Beschäftigung.
  • Spezifische Details: Nennen Sie spezifische Projekte, Erfolge, Fähigkeiten, etc.
  • Beispiele: Managed social media campaigns, increased sales by 20%, demonstrated strong leadership skills.
  • Redaktionelle Tipps: Verwenden Sie aktive Verben und quantifizierbare Ergebnisse, um die Leistungen des Mitarbeiters hervorzuheben.

Describe the employee’s duties, accomplishments, and skills during their time with your company to provide a comprehensive overview of their performance.

Schritt 4: Beurteilung des Mitarbeiters

  • Ziel des Schrittes: Bewertung der Leistung und Charakteristik des Mitarbeiters.
  • Spezifische Details: Lobenswerte Eigenschaften, Verbesserungsbereiche, Verhaltensmerkmale, etc.
  • Beispiele: Demonstrated excellent communication skills, exhibited strong work ethic, showed leadership potential.
  • Redaktionelle Tipps: Seien Sie ehrlich und fair bei der Bewertung des Mitarbeiters, vermeiden Sie übertriebene Lobhudelei.

Evaluate the employee’s performance, highlighting their strengths and areas for improvement, while maintaining a balanced and objective perspective.

Schritt 5: Abschluss und Kontaktdaten

  • Ziel des Schrittes: Abschluss der Arbeitsbescheinigung mit Kontaktdaten für Rückfragen.
  • Spezifische Details: Unterschrift des Vorgesetzten, Datum, Kontaktperson für weitere Informationen.
  • Beispiele: Sincerely, [Vorgesetzter’s Name], [Position], XYZ Company, contact person: [Email/Phone Number]
  • Redaktionelle Tipps: Verwenden Sie eine professionelle Abschlussformel und stellen Sie sicher, dass alle relevanten Personen kontaktiert werden können.

Conclude the letter with a professional closing, including the supervisor’s signature, date, and contact information for any additional inquiries or clarifications.


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